Getting What You Truly Desire…


Is it possible for EVERYONE to get what they truly desire?

YES!!! But not everyone will do what is required for that!

Not everyone will CHOOSE and DECIDE to have/do/be! Nope… so so SO many will CHOOSE and DECIDE to stay “trapped” and simply complain about it.

There is a sense of familiar and safety in the dance with the devil you know! Spending money you don’t yet have? Being seen before you are comfortable with yourself? Stepping away from the “norm”? Paying attention to what YOU want first? Even daring to dream?

All these and so much more (industry/vision specific) are too scary for most! What if I fail? What if I make a dick of myself? What if am left with nothing or worse… no one? What if people reject me? No… no thank you… I’ll just stay here being pissed at the world because I can’t have it all! Can’t or… won’t?

You decide! You always decide! Everyone ALWAYS just decides. Every day you wake up… you get to decide something new!

Take off your glasses and see the world through your eyes xxx


Wishing Upon A Star


You Won’t Go Anywhere If You Don’t Go Anywhere