You Won’t Go Anywhere If You Don’t Go Anywhere


You don’t get where you want to go unless… you are already going! 

This was me 7 years ago! 

It was pretty much how I lived every second I wasn’t teaching in the classroom!

And… If you think I had a nice shower or toilet to use while this was happening… think again! My whole house was literally UNDER CONSTRUCTION and so was my life! 

I showered off a hose that ran from a laundry tap, through a sun lounge, out a sliding door, up a side gate and then through the OG shower head we ripped out of the bathroom. Yep… outdoor showers in winter! School teacher (aka Mrs High Heels) by day and renovator (aka This Hot Mess) by night… school holidays and weekends. Ok, alright… and any sick days I could pull too… there I owned it!

I actually lived like this from age 22-30 pretty much! Dreaming it, creating it, working towards it, working in it, eating, breathing and sleeping in it! Mostly it was fun but there were tears and many tantrums I can tell you! Every pay check was straight into this house! No traveling. No parties. No enjoying my work… sold it the day we completely finished it! Hell… old houses and their little surprises… Even after the bulk was done… we suddenly got rising damp in the nursery! Back on hands and knees… belly full of arms and legs… sanding, sealing, painting and not only once let me tell you! 

You realise what you are capable of when you have no option but to just get on with it! Ok… so I did loose skin off my arms from lime in plaster! Just before our wedding too actually ?‍ I did split my foot open talking tiles off and ended up on crutches. Hairy site legs, disintegrating shorts and a bikini top!‍ I did cry when I hurt myself! I did yell and throw tantrums when it messed up and I had to redo it! Or when I wanted a break and there was no option but to push through! I did sacrifice! 

But I also stayed at it. Worked into it and through it! Never quit… NEVER! 

Purchase price: $465k
Sold price: $710k 

But more than that, I learned how strong I was and not just physically! I learned how to see the big picture! I learned to trust my instincts! I learned where there is a will, there is always a way! I learned what works and what doesn’t! I learned that I would create Perth Renovation Projex! I learned to work hard for what I want! I learned to be grateful for what I had! I learned to find pleasure in the little things! I learned there are no limitations to achieving IF you really put your mind to it! 

It wasn’t about the end result happening overnight… it was about the process! The journey! The experience! The house transformation AND the personal transformation! The memories! The building of a future coming to me and learning it… leaning into it… going it… going with it! 

It was about getting started! You don’t get where you are going until you get going!!! Xxx 


Getting What You Truly Desire…


It Is YOUR Choice…